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WeTokioHotel is an unofficial fansite about the German pop/rock band Tokio Hotel. We provide you with the lates news, pictures and exclusive content which no Tokio Hotel fan will be able to resist!
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Love, the team

Gossips #10 (JP) - Tokyo and Space

Gepost door Vera On 9/25/2010

The band Tokio Hotel came from Germany which is surper famous in U.S and Europe made a clear goal of having a performance in Tokyo. The guitar Tom said “Having performance in Tokyo and around the world is our goal!” This is the dream of the band. By the way, they also have another dream which is living in another planet. Tom’s twins brother Bill said “We believed in aliens. Because the univers is so huge, there must be someone in some place”. Besides believing in aliens, their amazing dream is living in another planet. What a magnificent dream!

Translation by theresa/THCH

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