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Meet and Greet - Paris - ~3

Gepost door Vera On 4/20/2010

About the moment when Georg said "crazy parents" : The boy next to me asked the boys to sign a photo of a friend. On this photo, there is the friend (girl), a friend of hers and Georg. The photo was taken in Hamburg, after the girl followed Georg by car. After getting her picture with him, she didn't leave him alone, she followed him again with her car. When Georg made her understand to stop - he was really fed up - the girl got back to the studio, and she followed Bill, who is quite stressed when he drives. To get rid of them, Bill drove faster and faster, and almost had an accident, luckily he didn't. When he got home, Bill and Tom went walking their dogs. The girl filmed them, and wasn't really discreet. All of this in one day. And the girl's parents were driving the car, so that's why Georg said "Crazy parents!" during the Meet & Greet. He recognised the photo.

1 Response to "Meet and Greet - Paris - ~3"

  1. Unknown Said,

    meine Gott
    was do ppl like das THink das THey will gain by harassing TH?
    Und her parents.... WTH
    No wonder she ist obnoxiously insane!


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