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Dennis K. - New Statement

Gepost door Vera On 2/12/2010

the last days were really stressful and hard.
Wenckes Interview and my telephone’info’ which was full of lies did not really make it better. Today I got to know that Wencke has a lot of fakeaccount, where she pretends to be Bill or Tom. And she did a myspace profile , which looks really good. I cannot understand how she could fake telephonecalls with Bill so good and I didn’t believe her all, till she phoned with Bill when she was at my place. I saw in her mobilephone “Bill home” , “bill parents”. When she was in Leipzig she also did the ‘game’ – BILL. After their ‘Meeting’ she told me there wasn’t sometiing but he told me they were really near to eachother. And she admitted then.
I am only a human and I just believed the way she did that all.
I don’t know WHY she did that.
When we ended up our relation – and I had a new girlfriend – and she wanted me back, she told ‘Bill’ things about me I was so angry. Because of that I went to the BILD.
I believed all of that is the truth and the reporter as well , because of Pinky did all so great.

It was so realistic and when I were Bill I think I would like to be with ‘normal’ people and not with those, who see only the musician of Tokio Hotel in me. I didn’t lie. I just had wrong information. I proved all of that and all seemed so realistic. I gave all the information to BILD. The story should be „Bill in love“ or something like that. I never wanted to be in the press on a way like that. It was so stupid and then I did the interview. All the messages Pinky wrote me about Bill, I still have them today, were so realistiv like her dialogue on Icq.
She deceived not only me, also the BILD and their friends, whose she told all of that.
I just want to say sorry. Maybe I have to excuse at Bill by myelb but I will not do it, because a lot of people think I just like to have attention.

I don’t know how the info came I’ve a band – it isn’t so. I don’t want to make promotion.
I say sorry to all Th-Fans.
I say sorry to all whose saw and read that.
I say sorry to all who are involved in it.
and most of all I want to excuse to Bill and his management.

I want to say again, I did’nt lie.

I hope you believe me excuse. I did’nt lie.
I want to thank every person, who believed in me in that time and all who wrote nice mails to me.
Wishes, Dennis K.

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