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Dennis K. - Message 'Pinky Lies'

Gepost door Vera On 2/10/2010

Hi, I don't think I have to say who I am, because if you click on this video u have to know it. Today I've seen the interview with Wencke and I can say only, that it's all lies.
I did not lie, everything she said was wrong. I know I can't prove it, I know 100%ly that she is with Bill. I know it, her best friend knows it and some of her other friends know it. I can not prove she's with him, I know it and if I wouldn't be sure, I wouldn't go to Bild back then. Never. Because what would it bring me, if I would not know it 100%ly?
Okay, in the time I talked to Bild I wasn't in a relationship. To the next thing, she said that I couldn't take it because of the breakup - that I was stressed, it's stupid. I had in this time a new girlfriend. Because she broke my trust with Bill. It was in Leipzig. Another thing - no, I have to say something more to this. Yes, I didn't even cry. Because I didn't have to. I didn't believe her at all and the situation broke me. And she didn't really care. Because Bill tried to set her against me. When we broke up and I had a new girlfriend already, she wrote me a text (SMS) on Monday after Silvester, that she wants to get back with me, that she thought about our relationship.
I have the text here, I can show it to you, it can be fake, but this is not fake. I told her "No". How could I get back with her after all that? I couldn't get back with her. After that I tried to help her, he didn't know what to do to get her. Yes, right, Bill didn't steal her from me, it was a wrong headline, he destroyed our relationship, but her didn't steal her.
I tried to help Bill too, even tho I hated him so much! On the same day, my girlfriend was on chat with Pinky and later also with Bill. I was sitting there, and we came to the topic that I wanted to go to Bild. And both of them were mad at me, even tho I wanted to help them.
And that's actualy the reason, why I went to the medias. It was never about attention. I didn't know at first that they were even gonna mention my name! Okay, they did, but whatever. When I heard from my friends, I made interview with Punkt 12. It wasn't about the attention. I know many of you think that. I don't care. It wasn't like that. I can say only, that I did not lie, not in any case, now I'm not feeling well, because my name is thrown in such dirt. It's not like that, I did not lie. I really did not lie, it's some kind of mistake. I didn't lie, I didn't lie ..

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