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Once a fan always a fan..

WeTokioHotel is an unofficial fansite about the German pop/rock band Tokio Hotel. We provide you with the lates news, pictures and exclusive content which no Tokio Hotel fan will be able to resist!
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Love, the team

bild.de - 17.02.2010

Gepost door Vera On 2/18/2010

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500 Euro of punishment for flogger of TH-Gustav
Very mild punishment for the man, who hit Tokio Hotel's drummer Gustav (21) with two beer bottles!
The public prosecutor shall terminate the proceedings against Nexhat T. (30): The perpetrator must only pay $ 500 and write a letter of apology.In mid-July the kitchen helper in one nightclub in Magdeburg hit Gustav, because the musician had talked with a girl.
The "Tokio Hotel" star was taken to the hospital and sewn with 36 stitches.


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